Fun Times in Fantasy Worlds~*~ from Sci-fi to DIY

Monthly Archives: May 2016

As an end of the school year gift to the kids (and ourselves, ) we took a weekend trip to the beach; our first visit to Myrtle Beach and their Xcon convention. It was also bike week there, which my husband describes as “so relaxing.” 😉

I am in the process of finishing up my own armor design for a warrior Wonder Woman.  It still needs a little work, but was wearable. I took inspiration from several different designs incorporating the eagle, star, and olive branches.  Here is the armor:

wonder armor

This is my first attempt at using Worbla, a moldable plastic.  It has to be heated up to be shaped, then after it hardens back can be painted.  I am shooting for a battle worn, distressed look.  I wore heels and hair down some of the day, then a high ponytail and gladiator sandals for a beach trip and walking comfort the rest of the day.  In the promo shots for the new Wonder Woman movie coming out in 2017, this seems to be the look (hair back and sandals.)

Paul brought his Jedi Robes, but ended up sticking to his Cuban “beach shirt” 🙂  I made two last minute costumes for the girls..Kiki from “Kiki’s Delivery Service” for the older one and Supergirl for the younger.  Only Supergirl was worn.  The elder opted for the old Pokemon trainer!

All in all, a fun weekend!  We got to meet some cool folks and even got to chat with Brian Krause (Leo from Charmed.)  I am horrible at recognizing people, so that one took me a while to realize!